Hi Beautiful!
I had to come by and simply say HELLO! It has been a VERY LONG TIME and SO MUCH has changed in my personal and professional life! I am so happy that there are so many of you who are still along for the ride! We are 12 days into a new year and I swear my new year has just began! Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life and I am so happy and excited about it!
SO what have I been up to??? SO MUCH and I promise to do better about sharing with you all! For now I will give you the SHORT version! Currently I am working in news television and it has been SUCH a treat! CNN DC and Bloomberg TV also in DC are 2 international networks which allow my work to be seen all over the world! As I work I am able to see my work broadcast live daily which is great for me because it's a way for me to perfect my skill and teach myself (learning from my own mistakes)... I owe a BIG THANK YOU to GOD for giving me these opportunities! Also a BIG THANK YOU is due to my friends, family, and supporters who continue to encourage and keep me lifted!!!
WOW SO MUCH has happened and I AM SO GRATEFUL for it all!! Remember a dream is just a dream! It is what you do with that dream that makes the difference! Prayer changes things and helps things happen! YET YOU my friend MUST do the work!!! Still I dream of the day that I will become great knowing that NOW I am just paying my dues!!!! SOOOO THANKFUL Beautiful!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Get inspiration BUT stay true to YOU!!!
Thought I would share a little fun shoot I did with Michael and Renee Woodward @ Studio 400! Some shoots I do NEVER end up on the site and may not go into my portfolio. For one I shoot A LOT and if I posted EVERY single image that would be too much. Secondly I am STILL learning and growing so not EVERY shoot works out the way I want it…SO! Its not that I don’t think the work is anything less than AMAZING. It’s simple that sometimes we ALL have a bad day on the court. Good thing about it is I don’t have to show you that part if I choose not to… LOL!!!
I enjoy shooting and seeing my work captured on film! Being somewhat of a “self trained” artist looking back at the images is what helps me to improve. AND yes sometimes I STILL get stuck. There are some mistakes I continue to make and have not found a solution to them (YET). Well the Beautiful part of ART is that SOMETIMES (most times) IT AINT PERFECT! PLEASE don’t get me wrong I DO want to improve and I DO want to learn MORE ways of applying makeup AND styling hair. Yet I also know that YOUR client comes to YOU because they like the way YOU do YOUR thing. SO don’t get too wrapped up in doing your skill like the next person JUST do the best YOU can do.
NOW with ALLLLLLLL that being said! HERE is MY rendition of a LADY GAGA look. Mad props to MAKEUP GOD Billy B. for his AMAZING work with Lady Gaga!!! Let me just add not only has Billy B. done Lady Gaga BUT he has done some of the MOST AMAZING names in Hollywood! Billy has to be one of the most humble artist I have met. Some of his ideas about life and HIS approach to this industry should be in a book for young people to read. PLEASE check out his work as well @ www.billybbeauty.com THANKS B for the inspiration!!!
I enjoy shooting and seeing my work captured on film! Being somewhat of a “self trained” artist looking back at the images is what helps me to improve. AND yes sometimes I STILL get stuck. There are some mistakes I continue to make and have not found a solution to them (YET). Well the Beautiful part of ART is that SOMETIMES (most times) IT AINT PERFECT! PLEASE don’t get me wrong I DO want to improve and I DO want to learn MORE ways of applying makeup AND styling hair. Yet I also know that YOUR client comes to YOU because they like the way YOU do YOUR thing. SO don’t get too wrapped up in doing your skill like the next person JUST do the best YOU can do.
NOW with ALLLLLLLL that being said! HERE is MY rendition of a LADY GAGA look. Mad props to MAKEUP GOD Billy B. for his AMAZING work with Lady Gaga!!! Let me just add not only has Billy B. done Lady Gaga BUT he has done some of the MOST AMAZING names in Hollywood! Billy has to be one of the most humble artist I have met. Some of his ideas about life and HIS approach to this industry should be in a book for young people to read. PLEASE check out his work as well @ www.billybbeauty.com THANKS B for the inspiration!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
OMG! Is that what you say when you meet one of the most amazing makeup artist in the world? Or do you break down and cry (like I ALMOST DID)!!! OR do you simply pull it together and handle yourself accordingly (like I had to)… Either way the feeling is still the same “OMG”!!!! On March 21th My Bestie and I hosted MY 1st every party! SERIOUSLY MY 1st Party EVER!!! I grew up with few friends so YEAH this was my 1st PARTAY and it was AMAZING! Thanks to ALL my friends and industry buddies for coming out and supporting Erin and I! The evening was one filled with MANY memorable moments that I will NEVER forget. The open bar had folk rather chatty and READY to network! IT had me WATCHING the door to see if this dream of mine was really about to become reality!!! Well maybe I did take a moment to chat, mingle, and DANCE!!!! In the mist of me “networking” my sister grabbed my hand, pulled my head over and said “Sam is here…”I instantly looked up and there he was! Thee Sam Fine!!! SPEECHLESS I AM!!! NOW remember its my party so I must pull myself together! After a few seconds of uncontrollable emotion I had no choice BUT to get it together! (At this point he is like 15 ft away.) FINALLY we meet and we greet and we spend an evening of socializing with our guest! Sam Fine is an AMAZING being with an AMAZING spirit! He was engaging with ALL of the guest and took photo after photo! Just the way he even walked onto the set was something to be admired! OMG STILL!!!! I MUST say THANKS SO MUCH to Mr. Sam Fine who thought enough of Erin and myself to come by and hang out! I learned SO MUCH from HIM that night! So much about where I am and where I am going! The most important lesson is YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS WATCHING!!!!! You NEVER know who is listening and you NEVER know when ANOTHER dream will come true! DREAM BIG!!!! NEVER STOP DREAMING!!! DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to a dream come true!!!! In ALL my life I would have NEVER imagined that I would live out one of my wildest dreams! Honestly it was a dream that I REALLY NEVER IMAGINED would take place. NO SERIOUSLY NEVER in all my life did I think that this would be MY reality. I never even considered it! In my gut I always felt this was a job for someone like Billy B. I think I twitted all last Season for NeNe TO PLEASE let @MrBillyB do her face! Well NEVER underestimate GOD and the power HE gives YOU!!! On Wednesday March 10, 2010 I was headed to my first string of engagements with NeNe Leakes and The Housewives of Atlanta. The VERY 1st day I had the pleasure of painting face for NeNe Leakes and Lisa Wu-Hartwell. I will say that for my 1st celebrity solo gig I did WELL! I was accompanied my by BF and assistant for the day Makeup Expert Erin Bailey. Day 1 was a Red Carpet for Bravo. Day 2 Bravo Commercial AND “Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen”. At this point I am in CREATIVE MODE FOR LIFE all because NeNe LOVES COLOR and DRAG!!! After the show we had a lovely dinner and back to Brooklyn I went. Sleep 3 hours and up to work ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Up for Television ALL DAY @ CNN NeNE appeared on HLN’s “Showbiz Tonight” and “Jane Valez”!!!! 5pm in rainy NYC it’s a WRAP!!! This is the SUMMARY of MY DREAM which was a gift from a DEAR Makeup Artist Friend and Mother who Is REALLY SHOWING ME THE WAY!!! Thanks Ma For ALL you DO for me and countless others!! MAY WE continue to deliver AMAZING work for generations to come!!! I LOVE YOU AND Thanks for this opportunity! This Job my 1st BIG GIG Dedicated to YOU!!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Where is Warren B.
OK so it has been more than 2 months since my last post. Yes I have a long list of reasons/excuses for why I have not posted any blog updates. I will take your time into consideration and keep all of that to MYSELF! As you can see the blog is in a complete disarray and I am trying hard to get it together. Currently I am talking to a few designers who are giving me quotes on the new layout and design. I am SO looking forward to sharing with all of you more amazing information on beauty and my experiences as a makeup/hair artist.. Happy NEW YEAR!!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Nicholas LaClair welcomes Warren B.
Once again one of my networking things worked in my favor and I met someone COOL! You see my good friend Luis told me to continue to do this networking thing. Well long story short every time I do this thing something GREAT happens. I know yall are wondering what is the THING I keep talking about. Well BeautifuL I AINT TELLIN! HA HA HA!!! If you follow me then you know what my thing is. Maybe you have been up late one night watching me go in! If not maybe its best that way. Anywho that last time I did a thing Nicholas Laclair was there. Me being me I was acting a fool honey and he loved it. I am sure he was like Luis when I walked into the shoot super chill hahaha PROFESSIONAL Face… LOL. Nick and Julia were AMAZING! They Worked OUT Honey It was SO Much fun and we had a BLAST!!!! Thanks Nick for letting me go in on this shoot!

Warren B. with MR RODNEY YOUNG!!!
Hey Beautiful,
WARNING: I am sleepy hope I didnt forget anything... feels like I did???
If you follow me on twitter you know that I have worked with some of the most amazing photographers in DC! Well God has allowed me yet another chance to do my thang honey! There is nothing more humbling then having these great master photographers willing and ready to work with you at any time. Recently I worked with Rodney Young who has given me yet another chance to shine. Rodney is by far one of the TOP photographers in DC. I think most people I know would concur. NOW these images are not the ones that I picked (hint RODNEY!!!!) but they are still amazing!!! I think I am SO HARD on my work now because these photographers are expecting GREAT things from me! They pushing ya boy hard and I am ready to go deep. I am happy to do what I can! Well I hope you ENJOY!!! OH yeah and before I forget the fashion styling was done by none other than my friend in training (LOL) Walter Reed. This guy has been an AMAZING TALENT who has gone above and beyond to make me SMILE!!! Three weeks seems like it has been a lifetime!!! I believe in this kid and I know he believes in me!!!! Thanks Walter for being a friend indeed!!! Hope yall enjoy this shoot honey!

WARNING: I am sleepy hope I didnt forget anything... feels like I did???
If you follow me on twitter you know that I have worked with some of the most amazing photographers in DC! Well God has allowed me yet another chance to do my thang honey! There is nothing more humbling then having these great master photographers willing and ready to work with you at any time. Recently I worked with Rodney Young who has given me yet another chance to shine. Rodney is by far one of the TOP photographers in DC. I think most people I know would concur. NOW these images are not the ones that I picked (hint RODNEY!!!!) but they are still amazing!!! I think I am SO HARD on my work now because these photographers are expecting GREAT things from me! They pushing ya boy hard and I am ready to go deep. I am happy to do what I can! Well I hope you ENJOY!!! OH yeah and before I forget the fashion styling was done by none other than my friend in training (LOL) Walter Reed. This guy has been an AMAZING TALENT who has gone above and beyond to make me SMILE!!! Three weeks seems like it has been a lifetime!!! I believe in this kid and I know he believes in me!!!! Thanks Walter for being a friend indeed!!! Hope yall enjoy this shoot honey!

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