Welcome to a dream come true!!!! In ALL my life I would have NEVER imagined that I would live out one of my wildest dreams! Honestly it was a dream that I REALLY NEVER IMAGINED would take place. NO SERIOUSLY NEVER in all my life did I think that this would be MY reality. I never even considered it! In my gut I always felt this was a job for someone like Billy B. I think I twitted all last Season for NeNe TO PLEASE let @MrBillyB do her face! Well NEVER underestimate GOD and the power HE gives YOU!!! On Wednesday March 10, 2010 I was headed to my first string of engagements with NeNe Leakes and The Housewives of Atlanta. The VERY 1st day I had the pleasure of painting face for NeNe Leakes and Lisa Wu-Hartwell. I will say that for my 1st celebrity solo gig I did WELL! I was accompanied my by BF and assistant for the day Makeup Expert Erin Bailey. Day 1 was a Red Carpet for Bravo. Day 2 Bravo Commercial AND “Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen”. At this point I am in CREATIVE MODE FOR LIFE all because NeNe LOVES COLOR and DRAG!!! After the show we had a lovely dinner and back to Brooklyn I went. Sleep 3 hours and up to work ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Up for Television ALL DAY @ CNN NeNE appeared on HLN’s “Showbiz Tonight” and “Jane Valez”!!!! 5pm in rainy NYC it’s a WRAP!!! This is the SUMMARY of MY DREAM which was a gift from a DEAR Makeup Artist Friend and Mother who Is REALLY SHOWING ME THE WAY!!! Thanks Ma For ALL you DO for me and countless others!! MAY WE continue to deliver AMAZING work for generations to come!!! I LOVE YOU AND Thanks for this opportunity! This Job my 1st BIG GIG Dedicated to YOU!!!!