How in the world have you people been doing??? Well let me say there has been SO MUCH going in my neck of the woods. I am so excited about all the new and exciting events that have taken place for me over the past few weeks. It is all so overwhelming that i really dont know where to begin. First of all I had the most AMAZING shoot with MR LUIS ARAGON!!! He is a serious talent who has mastered the art of capturing folks on film. You can check out his work at www.luisaragon.com. Once again THANKS SO MUCH to Luis for EVERYTHING you have done for me!!!! I also celebrated 29 years of life on july 22nd. What better way to celebrate than with a trip to NYC and dinner with JOHNNY LAVOY!!!! Now if you dont know who Johnny Lavoy is google him baby. Not only is this guy an accomplished MUA and Hair Stylist he is my friend. Thanks to Johnny for making 29 a number that I will NEVER forget. SO here you go my gift to all of you guys... my latest work shot by Luis Aragon produced by Kathy Aragon hair and makeup by Warren B.